Why should you work with us?
Nulla facilisi. Nullam in magna id dolor blandit rutrum eget vulputate augue sed eu leo eget risus imperdiet.

Exceed clients’ and colleagues’ expectations
Ut id orci ultricies, gravida arcu ac, elementum eros. Curabitur tortor ipsum, imperdiet eget odio ac, faucibus ultricies nisl. Maecenas scelerisque dignissim elit.

Take ownership and question the status quo in a constructive manner
Ut id orci ultricies, gravida arcu ac, elementum eros. Curabitur tortor ipsum, imperdiet eget odio ac, faucibus ultricies nisl. Maecenas scelerisque dignissim elit.

Be brave, curious and experiment – learn from all successes and failures
Ut id orci ultricies, gravida arcu ac, elementum eros. Curabitur tortor ipsum, imperdiet eget odio ac, faucibus ultricies nisl. Maecenas scelerisque dignissim elit.

Act in a way that makes all of us proud
Ut id orci ultricies, gravida arcu ac, elementum eros. Curabitur tortor ipsum, imperdiet eget odio ac, faucibus ultricies nisl. Maecenas scelerisque dignissim elit.

Build an inclusive, transparent and socially responsible culture
Maecenas eros sapien, egestas at elit nec, eleifend sagittis orci.

3 decades of catering to businesses across the globe
Shaw Hotels & Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd. established in 1991 as a Management and Consultancy Services company and has since served a broad spectrum of leading business houses in India and abroad. We pioneered Mystery Shopping in India by introducing Service Quality Audits in 1999 across many industries, including hospitality, retail, real estate, entertainment, fashion, transport, beauty & wellness, shopping malls, and more.
As pioneers of the trade, we have not only set a benchmark for the industry, but also we have concurrently revolutionized the field of Mystery Shopping by providing complementing services like Training and Development, Manpower Rationalization Studies, Implementation Of Customer Service Blueprints, Standard Operating Procedure Manuals, Customized Market Research Activities, Online Reputation Management Tools, and more.

Is your organization ready for the post COVID-19 phase?
We at Shaw Hotels & Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd. can help you get your customer facing team ready. We are offering Customized Online Customer Engagement Training Program to help you prepare for the post COVID19 era.
Our training covers all customer touchpoints from entry to exit including social distancing, practice of sanitization and hygiene. Our program will also suggest how to keep your existing customers engaged during the lockdown period.
It is good to keep your staff engaged at this time and also be prepared for times to come.
Shaw Hotels & Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd. can you create a COVID-19 Guidelines SOP/Manual/Handbook specific to your organization and style of working. This document will cover all areas from pre-opening to post opening to the operations phase of your business. It would be a detailed document with flow charts, checklists and more.

Shaw Hotels & Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd. is offering special audits (mystery/announced) to help you understand whether your organization/restaurant/retail/delivery kitchen is compliant with the highest standards to hygiene. We are creating special checklists to help organizations understand, whether all the anti COVID-19 measures they have implemented are being followed or not.
Mystery Audits – Home Delivery & Pick-Up for Restaurants.
Mystery Audits – Delivery – for E-Commerce
Mystery Audits – Kitchen (Back of the House) for Restaurants (this is applicable in cities and regions where movement of people is and will be allowed as per the government directive).
Creation of various COVID-19 checklists.